Gender Differences in Drug Using Behavior for the Drug Offenders
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Research on gender differences in substance abuse is prominent. This study surveyed 600 male drug offenders in treatment centers and 585 female offenders in the women's prisons in Taiwan in 2022. It aims to examine gender differences in drug use behavior, including characteristics, motives, multiple drug use, and mental health conditions among Category 1 and 2 drug offenders.
The results indicate that males exhibit a more favorable attitude towards drug use, while females demonstrate greater awareness of its adverse effects. Regarding motives, women are often influenced by others, while men tend to use drugs to cope with stress or seek sensations. Furthermore, peers and friends have a stronger impact on females' drug behavior compared to males. Female drug offenders also engage more in drug trafficking prior to imprisonment. Additionally, male users display more pronounced emotional responses and heightened emotional reactions to drug use.
The study proposes that correctional institutions could aid female drug users in fostering interpersonal skills and reinforcing their values to mitigate negative influences from intimate partners. Additionally, strategies to enhance coping skills, manage drug expectations, and encourage emotional expression are crucial for male drug users. Further implications of the study are elaborated upon.
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